Minggu, 07 Februari 2016

Family life when the discovery of gold in Australia (1850)

        In 1823 James McBrien found traces of gold near Bathurst, NSW. However, early discoveries of gold in Australia were hushed up by the authorities for fear that all the convicts, soldiers and public servants would stop work to hunt for their fortune. It wasn't until ten years later, in 1851, that Edward Hargraves, (who had just returned from the gold fields in California) and his colleagues found gold near Bathurst. This time the find was publicized and within a month a thousand men were looking for gold. The area was called Ophir, after the biblical story about King Solomon's gold city.
     To make easy when I analysis this era : when golf was found in australia, I will give some definition of family institution and concepts to simplify what happens when gold began to be found in Australia.

A. Definition family institution based on Introductory Sociology by Horton

  • Family institution is a system of interrelated norms and values that fulfill a set of purposes which developed from th need for stable and defined relationship for raising and assigning the work necessary for their survival.
  •    A kinship group which provides for raising of children and for certain other needs.
The function of family institutions :
  1. Reproduction
  2. Regulation of sexual activity
  3. Socialization
  4. Status ascripstion
  5. Protection
  6. Economic
B. Family institution based on 2011 SparkNotes LLC, All Rights Reserved :
·                   A socially defined set of relationships between at least two people related by birth, marriage, adoption, or, in some definitions, long-standing ties of intimacy.
  • Marx: The family upholds the capitalist economic order by ensuring the reproduction of the working class and by maintaining housewives as a reserve labor force.
  • Functionalist theory: Functions of the family include socializing children, regulating sexual behavior and reproduction, distributing resources, providing social support.
C. Analysis between the concepts and the condition of family life when gold was found  in Australia
        After that, I will relate the concepts with the era : when gold was found in Australia between 1950s. First I will relate with the function of family institution. In this era, when gold appear I found several function of family institution that matches with this era.

The function of family institution are : 
      1, Reproduction 
          Reproduction is the first and most obvious function of the family institution.
        In 1950, when everyone knows that there is gold in Australia then the people come with their families either from British, Chinese and others. They lived in mining. They were from various parts of the world blend into one and it caused mixed marriages that occur between the Aboriginal people and who come from other countries. In this case, some Aboriginals married British or Chinese people which meant that there would be less pure blood Aboriginals in the next generation.

      2, Socialization 
         After that the function of family institution is socialization. In my opinion, when gold was found in Australia
      Aboriginal people teaching their local language to many colonists. This situation makes many families from different countries to know each other.
     Indigenous shelter constructions became the models for the early miners and there are many stories of the assistence they gave to miners who had became lost or had run out of food and water.

3.  Protection
          Function fills the need for physical,social, and psychological insulation from the threats to survival. In this case when the era that gold find in Australia. 
        The husband began to hunt for gold and took his wife and his children. This is done by the husband to maintain the wife and children. In this era, all the wives also to go to work in gold mining. This some evidence to make sure.
It was not long, however, before women travelled to the goldfields, and as early as 1851 there were women digging for gold alongside their husbands. An 1854 census of the Ballarat goldfields found there were 4023 women compared to 12,660 men living on the diggings and only 5 percent of these women were single.

one of the picture where the motherworked in the mines while keeping her child.

           Then in the late 1850s and the early 1860s brought in a gradual change to life on the diggings. After the first rush, with all its excitement, families began to drift into the mining areas and a sense of normality started to return to their lives. Diggers who had rushed around trying to find all the easily accessible gold, now settled in the mining districts they had come to regard as home. Their parents try to protect their children with built house in the gold mining. Although is not good tent. However, this is done to keep their children from being abandoned or maintained safety.
      “ .. hundreds on hundreds of tents were clapped down in the most dusty and miserable of places; and all the ground was perforated with holes, round or square, some deeper, some shallower, some dry, some full of water...All between the holes the hard, sand-coloured clay lay in ridges, and you had to thread your way carefully amongst them if you did not mean to fall in. Still horrider stenches from butchers’ shops and garbage pits : the scene thickened, and tents after tents, stores and bark-huts crowded upon you like a great fair." 
More or less the tent is like this :

    Meanwhile, the Aboriginals in the goldfields slept in tents like the Chinese people did but in a different area because then the Chinese would get mixed up and so would the Aboriginals because they are sleeping in the same area.

     4. Economic
      The economic function provides for the assigning of work,the holding of possessions, and the distribution of goods necessary for survival of the family.
Before the gold appear in Australia, aboriginals still bartering, hunting and gathering food to survive. In this era when gold appears many families used fire to help them with hunting and to promote growth of valued edible and medical plants. Indigenous australians were participating in the economy like selling food and clothing to the miners and providing information about tracks and water source. 

      Aboriginal people mostly continued to have access to foodstuffs through hunting and gathering in the traditional manner. For many families in Australia, the gold rushes were an opportunity to gain employment on pastoral runs and gain skills in station work. Here the men try to find gold to support family. For the many families in Australia, farming families near Mount Franklin the goldfields offered them an avenue to sell their farm produce.

        Meanwhile, woman or the mother in gold minings, women’s work consisted of washing, ironing and cooking. They made bread, butter, jams, soap and clothes for the family.The living conditions were cramped, and there were few comforts at the diggings. Because the alluvial mining muddied the once clear creek water, clean drinkable water was hard to find. Often fresh water was carted in to the diggings and sold by the bucketful. Fresh vegetables and fruit were scarce and cost a lot. 
Most women stayed home with their families however, usually with very little money to live o, while their husbands travelled to live and work on the goldfields. A few years later, many women took their children and joined their husbands when conditions improved, although there were always more men than women at the goldfields, and life was hard for all.
           In addition, the woman also work in gold mining while keeping the baby. They are a family working together. Women and children joined the men on the fields; in January 1853 there were 5,000 women and children and by June there were approximately 10,000.This is for example : 

         Some children attended school, however the standard of education was not very high. Teachers had almost no equipment and if the pupils moved, the teacher too had to pack up and move to a new place. But in this era, older children were expected to work as hard as the adults on the diggings, they also try to help the economic their parents. In Australia the children like their parents either had a harsh existence, where everyone had to work hard for the family to survive, or they had a privileged existence of the wealthy. Children today have expectations of a life more similar to that of the wealthy in the past. Wealthy families had servants to do the work both in the house and gardens and on the farms.
         It was terrible for the children on the goldfields. Most families could not afford to by shoes for there kids only the rich families. Many children on the goldfields caught sicknesses because they didn’t wear proper clothes.
families living in extreme poverty in mother England would send their children into the workforce where they worked inhuman hours. Children worked in mills, factories and mines as scavengers or beasts of burden. Those that stayed home especially in rural areas also worked hard, either on the farms or in the house.


A picture that shows how the children work at gold mining if they are not school, they will help their parents such as minding the younger children, shopping, fetching water up from the creek, gathering firewood, washing clothes, cooking, or taking care of horses. Often they would also be expected to help look for gold at the diggings.

      In my opinion, all above that doing for survival of the family. Father, mother and children help each other and work hard to make their families still alive.

          Based on the concepts of the family institution and the materials I used , I found that live in the gold mining is not easy. Every family must live in the area of gold mining that is many people lived in there, which is there was a contagious disease. The housing on the goldfields usually was tents or huts covered by bark roofs. In the goldfields also there are many people who come from other people and it caused mixed marriages taht occur between the Aboriginal people and who come from other countries. In this case, some Aboriginals married British or Chinese people which meant that there would be less pure blood Aboriginals in the next generation.

       At the time of gold mining is also a woman initially only accompanied her husband and children, women made up only a small part of the population of the goldfields. It is variously estimated that during the gold rush women comprised less than 20% of the population. They generally stayed at home with the children. But over time woman began working in gold mining. When gold appeared, hunting and gathering food is still the choice of every family to survive.

Introduction Sociology.PaulB.Horton.Homewood,Illinois 60430
Social institution on 2011 SparkNotes LLC, All Rights Reserved
